Sensors for leakage control

Fully encapsulated in PTFE, this sensor can detect the most hazardous substances and aggressive chemicals without fail:
The most reliable sensor on the market for detecting liquid leaks.

Automatic self-calibration + position monitoring + tamper monitoring


TiltGuard (tilt protection)

  • FDA
  • EX
  • SIL2
  • WHG


Self-monitoring, controlling its own position

This sensor can be used for leakage detection.
It has 2 outputs:
Output A1 = Checking the positioning of the sensor
Output A2 = Leakage detection

The sensor adjusts itself automatically when it is placed on the bottom of the tank. If a leak occurs or the installation position is changed, a signal change occurs at output A1 or A2.
The sensor can be operated directly by electronic circuits or PLC controls.


LEAK Sensor with TiltGuard

newer, even better: Early LEAK Detection+

To the product

Detection of liquids

Leakage sensors

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Analoge Füllstandsmessung mit Explosionsschutz (ATEX) und EHEDG zertifizierten Sensoren


To the products

Kapazitiver Sensor zur Füllstandskontrolle von Flüssigkeiten


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To the products

Branchen Applikation

Schutzüberwachung - Produktion stoppt nur, bei Leckage; nicht bei anheben oder umsetzen

Halbleiter Industrie

Zuverlässige Leckagekontrolle von Pumpen


Garantierter Schutz der Lebensmittelprozesse

Lebensmittel Industrie